Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thank you Hillary Clinton

Thank you very much to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for NOT visiting the Philippines at this point, after the invitation extended by Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. 

We love you, Mrs. Clinton!

Slam bam, thank you but NoMaM! 

Hey, GMA! Where's your former Georgetown University classmate (Bill Clinton) when you need him?

Check out the transcripts below. No one really cares about the presence of GMA in Washington. Department of State is just being civil and the reception was just protocol. But there was nothing Sec. Clinton needed to know about GMA.

"The Philippines: A Close and Important U.S. Ally"

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Remarks With Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Before Their Meeting
Treaty Room
Washington, DC
February 6, 2009

SECRETARY CLINTON: Good afternoon, and I am so delighted to welcome the president of the Philippines to the State Department. As you know, the Philippines is one of our closest and most important allies, not just in Asia, but on so many issues around the world. And we are very proud of the role and contributions that Filipino Americans have played in the United States over many years. So welcome, Madame President. 

PRESIDENT MACAPAGAL-ARROYO: Thank you. Thank you, Madame Secretary. Thank you. I am very happy to be here to congratulate you on your appointment and your love-fest of a confirmation. (Laughter.) 

As you said, the Filipino Americans have played a very important role here, but another important thing is they all love you, both the Filipino Americans and the Filipinos in the Philippines. So we’re so proud of you.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you. Thank you all very much.

QUESTION: Madame Secretary, can you give us a reaction to the release of A.Q. Khan?

SECRETARY CLINTON: I am very much concerned, and we’ll have more to say about that.
(end of remarks)


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  1. What's the point of Sec. Clinton going to the Philippines? it's not as if GMA and her administration have done great things in the name of democracy and capitalism?

    Remember when GMA said "The US must do something" about the current financial crisis?

    We ask you, GMA, after being a classmate of Bill Clinton and being Dean of Assumption College, what have you done for your country?

    Ramon Mathias
    Cleveland, Ohio

  2. GMA made herself irrelevant.

    Junie Max
    Los Angeles, CA

  3. say no, Hillary!

    Prescott H.
    Westchester, CT.
